27 febrero 2013
Programa Asamblea Anual ABESPRI
26 febrero 2013
Enmienda a las fechas y a la Carta Circular sobre los Traslados
Ahora podrá solictar traslados a través de la siguiente dirección electrónica: http://solicitudtraslado.dde.pr/, a partir del próximo viernes, 1 de marzo de 2013.
18 febrero 2013
07 febrero 2013
Los volcanes
06 febrero 2013
REFORMA: Asamblea Anual
La Junta de Reforma informa que la próxima Asamblea Anual se celebrará el viernes 22 de febrero de 2013. Nos encontraremos esta vez en la Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, de 8:00 am a 3:00 pm.
Estamos realizando las gestiones necesarias para que esta Asamblea esté a la altura de las expectativas de todos y que sea un buen punto de encuentro.
Este año hay votaciones para las plazas vacantes de la nueva directiva (Vice-Presidente, Secretario (a), Tesorero (a). Si te interesa nominarte o nominar a algún colega como miembro de la nueva junta envia tu resumé a reformapr@gmail.com.
Para registrarse puede hacerlo a través de este enlace: http://goo.gl/Hw6RQ
05 febrero 2013
Qué es una Mediateca
Los videos y cds los puedes encontrar en la Mediateca. ¡Mediateca! ¿Qué es la mediateca? Muchos usuarios aún no saben que es una mediateca y para qué sirve. Filmoteca les suena de algo pero la palabramediateca aún le es bastante desconocida. Cuando se lo explicas te dicen que la conocen más como la zona de pelis.
Una Mediateca intenta reunir todos los contenidos audiovisuales, tanto los documentos sonoros como de video y se puede encontrar esta zona añadida en la mayoría de bibliotecas municipales y universitarias, que poco a poco han ido incorporando y adaptando los espacios para estos contenidos. La mediateca dispone de un fondo audiovisual y multimedia bastante amplio con soportes digitales como el cd para música, dvds para las películas y cd-rom para ordenadores. Aun así puedes encontrar generalmente, cualquier clase de formato y de temática. Entre discos, cds, películas, documentales, series, programas, idiomas... puede llegar a ser, bien acondicionado, un lugar muy útil para poder estudiar, trabajar o consultar de otra manera que no sean con libros.
04 febrero 2013
Viaje matemático desde la India a España: taller illustrado para estudiantes
Aceptamos efectivo, cheque o tarjeta de crédito (MC o Visa).
Se aceptan pagos por teléfono.
03 febrero 2013
Important Dates
Submission of Abstracts 15 February 2013
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection 28 February 2013
Final submission due 29 March 2013
Early bird conference registration 28 February 2013
Conference period 9- 14 June 2013
The President of the Association of Caribbean University, Research, and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL), Mrs. Cindy Jiménez-Vera, cordially invites you to submit your paper for conference, workshop or poster, the forthcoming conference to be held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, 9-14 June 2013.
This Call for Paper, Workshops and Posters, to be presented at the Conference, is open to all information specialists including librarians, archivists, record administrators, museologists and educators in the field of information science, as well as information providers.
Conference Program
The theme of this year’s conference is KNOWLEDGE TERRITORIES:Exploring Commons Environments for Learning, Research, Creativity and Productivity in Libraries, Archives and Museums in the Caribbean. As expressed by Madam President Jimenez-Vera, it is being observed that different types of libraries, archives and museums, from several parts of the world, are changing their environments and services to cater to the needs and expectations of their diverse clienteles. The Commons philosophy, which leads to the design of different environments to satisfy diverse user needs, appears to be propitious to stimulate individual and collaborative endeavors to the exploration and creation of knowledge, and to provide a space to let the imagination and creativity grow.
This conference is also designed to provide the spirit of Ubuntu, in order to closely explore the Commons philosophy, its application in our Caribbean information units, and to provide the strategies and tools for best practices. It is our hope that the knowledge acquired from the lectures, workshops, poster sessions, among many other professional development activities in this Acurilean learning and practice community, will keep positioning our Caribbean information units in the frame of avant-garde international librarianship.
Paper contributions to the program therefore can either have the purpose of knowledge dissemination and discussion (panel) or have the purpose of knowledge development; and/or skills training (workshop). In our effort to increase professional development for ACURIL members and members of affiliated library associations, we welcome workshop proposals that could count as Continuing Education (CE) credit. In addition, we are circulating a Call for poster sessions to showcase projects and research in relation to the conference theme.
Objectives of the Conference
This Caribbean event 2013, that brings together all Acurileans and other informationprofessionals, is a proactive educational exercise, with a dual purpose:
First, to explore in a collaborative manner the key elements, strengths and limitations, of the Commons concept, in its different dimensions, geared to provide spaces, for individual and collective study, research, creativity and productivity, in libraries, archives, museums and other information units; and,
Second, to examine together the possible effective implementation and development of Commons variants, in our different Knowledge Territories, using the evidence-based practice of the information professional. The space to be provided for dialogue and collective discussion, will allow us to identify and evaluated different ways to approach the paradigm, designs, tools, action plans, required training of personnel, aiming to consider ways in which to adopt new environments within our libraries, archives, museums and other information units, as Knowledge Territories, within our Caribbean region.
This joint action will allow our libraries, archives and museums personnel to re-evaluate, refurbish, and stengthen its bases, within theoretical and practical frameworks, with evidences to support effective actions and, therefore, to be able to share the experiences in the region and in other international forums.
Program Subthemes
In order to achieve these objectives, the Conference will focus the following special themes, specifically related to the Knowledge Territories, that we identify as Libraries, Archives, and Museums, integrating variants of the Commons paradigm.
Special Theme I. Knowledge Territories integrating the concept of Commons: Theory and Practice. Definition and development of the concept. Types of Commons in action and Critical evaluation: Information Commons, Learning Commons, Research Commons, iCommons, iKnowledge Commons. Which are the possibilities for our Knowledge Territories in the Caribbean?
Special Theme II. Trends in physical spaces within the Knowledge Territories in the Caribbean, with the Commons integration; Observe variants, imagine, question, explore, think, design, reflect, share ideas, reconsider, redesign, create, reshare and celebrate.
Special Theme III. Elaborate a strategic plan for the implementation and development of a Knowledge Territory in the Caribbean, integrating a Commons variant, using the evidence-based practice for information professionals framework.
Special Theme IV. Training and profesional development of the personnel in the Knowledge Territory in the Caribbean, integrating the Commons concept.
Special Theme V. Knowledge Territories with Hybrid Commons in the Caribbean: Redefinition of user needs, on-site and virtual services, the strategic plan for development and evaluation, focusing and anticipating the diversity of interests nad preferences in the 21st Century, within our Caribbean basin.
Basic Procedures
• Participants are requested, first, to submit an abstract. Following acceptance of the abstract, authors are requested to submit a full paper. Kindly see deadlines.
• All submissions will be reviewed by the ACURIL XLIII Program Committee and external reviewers.
• Papers will be both presented during the conference and distributed electronically to the conference participants.
• Abstracts will be printed in the Conference Program.
Guidelines for abstract and paper submission
• Relevance of the contribution to the theme should be explicitly elaborated.
• Abstracts should have a minimum of 200-500 words
• Papers should have a maximum of 7000 words
• Both abstracts and papers should be in the prescribed format
• Abstracts and papers should be in one of the three official ACURIL languages, being English, Spanish, or French.
Guidelines for workshop submission
• The abstract should be explicit about relevance to the (sub)theme, the workshop/presentation objective, target group and format.
• Papers should be double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 point.
• Citations should use the 6th ed., of the American Psychological Association (APA) style manual.
All abstracts and papers should include: title, name of presenter(s), employer and/or institutional affiliation, mailing address(es), e-mail address and telephone number.
We are exploring the possibility of having a special journal issue or edited book with papers from the conference; hence, the emphasis on formal and uniformity in papers.
Should you have any questions about your submission of conference papers and workshops, kindly contact us.
Prof. Cindy Jiménez-Vera
ACURIL President 2012-2013
Prof. Jeannette Lebrón-Ramos
General Rapporteur
Luisa Vigo-Cepeda, Ph.D.
Chair, Local Organizing Committee
Sarai Lastra, Ph.D.
Chair, Publications Committee
Kindly submit documentation to: cindyjvera@gmail.com ;
Kindly reproduce and distribute copies of this document to other interested persons.
Por favor, reproduzca y distribuya copias de este documento a personas interesadas.
Veuillez communiquer des copies de cette document a d’autres personnes intéressées.
ACURIL 2013 PUERTO RICO c/o Graduate School of Information Sciences and Technologies, University of Puerto Rico,
P.O. Box 21906, San Juan, PR. 00931-1906
Biblioteca escolar y nuevas alfabetizaciones
Autores: Mònica Baró Llambias
En el contexto digital, las bibliotecas escolares constituyen un entorno privilegiado para el desarrollo de las competencias relacionadas con el tratamiento de la información y el entorno digital. La biblioteca amplía sus objetivos y funciones; además, se involucra claramente en el proceso educativo, facilitando las nuevas alfabetizaciones y reforzando las más tradicionales. Esta biblioteca requiere un perfil de bibliotecario escolar que se transforma en un verdadero especialista en gestión de la información.